The Ultimate Guide to a Sparkling Bathroom
Cleaning the bathroom is not usually something people jump out of bed on Saturday morning to do. With these bathroom cleaning tips, maintaining a sparkling bath will at least be easier and healthier.

Windows and Mirrors
Have you ever wondered if you could make something as good as Windex to clean your windows and mirrors?
Well, you can. You wash your glass dishes with soap and water, why should your windows and mirrors be any different?
Because you look at mirrors and through windows, and dishes, not so much.
- To make your windows and mirrors squeaky clean and streak proof you need:
- 3 cups of water
- a cleaner to loosen dirt and stuff – that’s 1 teaspoon of dish soap.
- a bacteria & virus killer – that’s 1/3 to 1/2 cup vinegar (clear looks good, but vinegar is vinegar)
- a streak killer – that’s 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol – like you use on your eye glasses and phone screen.
Put it all in a spray bottle, and you’ve got an easy and inexpensive window and mirror cleaner.
To do the cleaning – use one towel or sponge to scrub and wipe, and one to dry. If there’s a lot of dirt or grime build up, set up a “rinse” bucket, to keep your sponges and towels as clean as possible.
Tubs and Shower Stalls
- Use your DIY vinegar cleaner to remove soap scum. Spray it on, and let it sit for 20-30 minutes and then use a bristle brush, Magic Eraser, or washcloth in a circular motion to finish the job. BTW – it’s the talc in most bar soaps that causes the buildup, so switching to a liquid or natural soap can eliminate the buildup. Rinse shower or tub and squeegee or wipe down after every use, and no more soap scum!
- Keep your tub and shower sparkling by applying a thin coat of car wax to your shower doors, walls, and fixtures. This make them easer to clean and keeps water spots away. (Don’t apply to the floor as it will get slippery, especially when wet). Reapply twice yearly.
- Put your shower curtain in the washing machine – the plastic and the cloth ones. Spray with your DIY soap scum remover, or laundry pre-treat, remove and then wash on a warm and gentle cycle.
Vinegar and baking soda to the rescue, again!
- Put a tablespoon of baking soda in the toilet.
- Add 2 cups of household vinegar.
- While it’s fizzing, use your bowl brush to do some scrubbing.
- Let it sit for at least 15 minutes.
That’s it – no harsh chemicals or bleach, done in a minute.
Sinks & Faucets
- Once you’ve done a good scrub with your DIY cleaner, apply your car wax and buff.
- Keep your drain clear and fresh by adding some baking soda and vinegar fizz when you’re cleaning your toilet.
- Do your shower and tub drains while your at it.
- Keep water stains and soap buildup to a minimum by wiping the area dry after use.
- A simple 50/50 mix of hydrogen peroxide and water is all you need.
- Spray the mixture on and leave it. No need to rinse or scrub. If you currently have mildew, you may need to reapply.
An alternative DIY mildew mix
- 1/4 cup of chlorine bleach
- 1-1/2 cups of water
- 1 tablespoon borax.
- Spray the cleaner on the mildew and let sit for approximately 30 minutes, keeping the surface wet to keep the bleach solution active.
- Wipe the mildew from the surface and then rinse.